
Directrix |diˈrektriks|

noun ( pl. -trices |-trəˌsēz|) Geometry

a fixed line used in describing a curve or surface.

ORIGIN = dirigere ‘to guide.’

Directrix is an international experimental videofilm, connected

with several Festivals (happenings of poetry - concerts - fine

arts) in different countries; Trilogy between the cultures;

Iceland /Bildudalur, Czech Republic/Olomouc, Greece/Rhodos.

Project Directrix only focuses on what really matters, discards

the noise and dead concepts. The video does not limit the

language by premeditated techniques or visions of the beauty.

There is no misunderstanding.

The beauty is in the “ third ear ” and in the

“third eye” therefore so different in different humane.

Locations are chosen carefully by elements, structures,

colors, heat and light - collage of visuals.

Directrix shows line with no beginning no end.

The open range of ideas, happiness and atmosphere that is

just around the “corner”(chapter x: „Where is the corner ” ?)

Natural forces and energy = invisible.

Movement is transformed from megaphone into the microphone.

Underneath the festive spirit lies the seriousness of every action.

Through the actions is offered another surprise, provoking the

form by mirroring the present. (familiar audience = anonymous)

Monika Frycova and Eva Isleifsdottir play multitude, the primitive

influences and secret law. Film is made as an “eclectic sketch”

the aim is only direct- which cannot be expressed in words.

Directrix was selected for E3'film event by ELIA within the

context of European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

Film has officially premiered on 18-19 October 2008,

at the Prix Europa Festival in Berlin.

sample : videos,fotky

- TV Interview Good morning


directrix (2008)